Market Square Tower Pool

Looking for luxury living with excitement and a stunning view?

Look no further than Market Square Tower, located in Houston, TX.  This 22′ wide pool, cantilevers off the side of the building 8′ and holds 4′ of water. Sitting at 40 stories high (that’s approximately 500′ in the air), this highly engineered pool, gives dare devil residents the feeling of floating on air over, the ground below. The Highly Engineered Acrylic acrylic pool 5.5 inches thick and weighs in at approximately 10,300 pounds.

When you need the impossible built, we will do that for you.


All photos are courtesy of Market Square Tower.

Project: Market Square Tower Pool
Location: Houston, TX
Application: Cantilevered Pool
Year Opened: 2016


Our team inspires creativity through our world class specialty acrylic design, manufacturing, and installation solutions.